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You won’t want to miss this! Transcript

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 5:42 am
by tanjilaislamtanjila
How would you like to generate qualified leads through social media? Sounds like a dream, right? Wake up! Because LinkedIn can help you bring valuable new customers to your business. About 80% of the B2B leads that come from social media come from LinkedIn, so it is certainly a platform to be reckoned with. If you’ve ever had the question, “Do LinkedIn ads work?”, now you know the answer is yes.

LinkedIn’s ads convert leads three times better than some other Liechtenstein Email List major ad platforms, and LinkedIn members have double the buying power of a typical user on the web. The lesson? Don’t write off LinkedIn for your advertising strategy. Our digital marketing campaigns impact the metrics that improve your bottom line. See More Results arrow right WebFX has driven the following results for clients: cta1 icon1 $6 billion IN CLIENT REVENUE cta1 icon2 24 million LEADS FOR OUR CLIENTS cta1 icon3 7.


14 million CLIENT PHONE CALLS In the next several minutes, I’m going to go over the basics of LinkedIn ads, so you’ll come away from this video with an answer to the question, “How do LinkedIn ads work?”Keep watching to learn how you can create lead-generating ads on LinkedIn. Types of LinkedIn ads When considering which type of ad you want to use on LinkedIn, you have a few different options.