Timeshare what is it Timesharing employment

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Timeshare what is it Timesharing employment

Post by amina21 »

In fact the candidatecompany relationship tends to be reversed for the best candidates who are coveted by many companies. And the longer the recruitment process lasts the greater the risk of seeing the ideal candidate fly away to other skies. Thus of HR managers admit that they have already missed a qualified candidate the fault of a recruitment process that was too long. . The longer it takes the more expensive it is A recruitment process that takes too long can indicate a failure in your decisionmaking chain. What is certain is that the longer a recruitment lasts the more the cost per hire increases accordingly.

If certain steps in your process are mandatory to secure your recruitment several avenues can still improve your performance. First of all try to shorten the time between the Serbia Email List different interviews with HR or a manager. You can also turn to your candidate pool before restarting the wheel of a recruitment campaign. Finally you can also equip yourself with a recruitment support tool to improve your performance. . Overshadow your employer brand If a long recruitment process may seem demanding and picky for large groups it rather has a negative effect on the candidates. In terms of candidate experience you are sending nonreassuring signals.


The candidate who waits too long risks stress and having a negative image of your company. If you cannot reduce your deadlines inform candidates from the start and keep them informed regularly to reassure them.Sharedtime work an innovative recruitment solution Sourcing Today many companies have recruitment needs but are not looking for a fulltime person. However many candidates are looking for fulltime permanent employment. So how can we respond to both the problems of companies and those of candidates Have you thought about parttime work Timesharing employment is a simple solution to meet a business need while offering the employee diversified permanent employment.
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