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Example of a data report by dealership

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 7:06 am
by shanto123
Monitor your network's ability to respond to its customers but not only that! The Cloud IVR network solution reports also give you access to call data by dealership. For you this is an opportunity to check the management of incoming calls from each of your establishments and thus to identify concrete and targeted areas of work which will allow you to achieve your availability objective set on a global scale.

of the network. automobile-dealership-report Pitcairn Email List To develop your agents and involve them in call management why not invite them to your management account? In this way you promote collaborative and participatory exchanges among your teams who now have complete visibility on their performance.


Analyzing and understanding the call flows of each of your dealerships is a real asset for your network. This is an opportunity to learn more about your agents but also about your customers and thus to develop your telephone reception while positioning yourself as a competitive player in the market.