4 Steps That Pangolia Uses To Secure Lucrative Affiliate Partnerships

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4 Steps That Pangolia Uses To Secure Lucrative Affiliate Partnerships

Post by soniaakter12 »

Pangolia uses Mailshake in a simple but effective 4-step workflow to help them secure long-term, meaningful, and highly profitable affiliate partnerships.

Step 1: Find the Right Prospects
There are 2 ways Pangolia does this:

Find out the companies, products, and services their audience is talking about
Figure out who their competitors are partnering up with
Once they have a list of companies, they use an emailUAE Phone Number finder like Hunter.io to find email addresses of the people working in each company.

But here’s what they do differently than other companies — they get very specific with who they are reaching out to within a company.


Their goal is to connect with the right person, which is someone like a partnerships manager or a marketing executive.

Simon believes you’re more likely to get a reply from the same company if you reach out to someone relevant than — for example — customer support.

Step 2: Clean up email lists using Mailshake’s List Cleaning feature
Once Pangolia has a list of email addresses they want to contact, they import their spreadsheet into Mailshake. Mailshake makes it very easy to do this, so it’s not even a real “step”.

But once the addresses are inside Mailshake, Pangolia cleans it up using our List Cleaning feature. This feature is powered by Voila Norbert — the most accurate email finding tool in the market today — and is available within Mailshake’s interface.

It basically weeds out any invalid — or inactive — email addresses that your list might contain, which has two benefits:

You d
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