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The Sitemap Should Contain: Url Responding with 200 Status

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:49 am
by arijitkumar
The sitemap should contain: URL responding with 200 status codes, URLs without meta robots tags preventing them from being indexed, and Only the canonical versions of your pages. Bad internal linking structure If Google cannot find enough links to a URL, it may skip crawling it due to insufficient signals indicating its importance. Photo Restoration Service Follow my guidelines outlined in the "Internal Linking Issues" sub-chapter. Errors in the implementation of redirects Implementing redirects can benefit your site, but only if done correctly. Each time Googlebot encounters a redirected URL, it has to send an additional request to access the destination URL, which requires more resources.

Be sure to follow best practices for implementing redirects. You can redirect both users and bots from 404 error pages that have been linked from external sources to work pages, which will help you preserve ranking signals. Be sure, however, that you are not linking to redirected pages , rather update them so that they point to the correct pages. Photo Restoration Service You should also avoid redirect loops and chains. Server issues Google may be experiencing crawl issues because your site appears to be overloaded. This happens because the crawl rate, which impacts the crawl budget, is adjusted to your server's capabilities. In a webinar on SEO rendering ,

Martin Splitt discussed server issues regarding Google crawling pages: One thing I see happen quite often is that servers give intermittent errors - specifically, 500 something - and whatever your server responds with a 500, 501, 502, 504, whatever , means your server is saying 'Hold on , I have a problem here', and it could go down at any time, so we back off. Photo Restoration Service Whenever we back off and your server responds positively, we usually pick up slowly. Imagine having a 500 something response every day. We see it, we step back a little, we speed up – we see it again. You should check if your server responds negatively. source: